Saturday, 27 July 2013

old best friend :)

Today, I woke up early for Sahur and I dont even sleep after that.
So, like always, My phone and wi-fi are connected. I don't like online on Facebook much. So, today I logged out from my Facebook account and started to search KINDS OF THINGS!
So, I ended up stalking this Old friend's Blogger ( SNZ )
And there it is. Well, we were kinda like 'best friends' before , we were grown together since kindergarten!
I was close to her for like 6 years, i guess,. When we are 10, she started to switch bezfren, called Lela. And I am on my own, I was switching too with a friend named Farah. But the four of us still classmates and talk together :)
And day goes by. When we were 11, we switch class. SNZ and Farah changed to 6 cemerlang while Lela and Me in 6 Dinamik. Since then, I switched best friend. My best friend is Lela, till now. However, SNZ switch to a girl named Tiqah ( her classmate ).
A year goes by, and poof,. SNZ started to being social,. she changed a lot. and me too. She started to being a bit girly (she was so-so before) and me,. I dont talk much to her. WHY? Because,. She was being close to girls that well,. that I uncomfortable with. u know.. there is types of girls,. AND well, our history is like Funny but its damn true,. So, I've been crushing a boy (Fiel) for almost 3 years. until..... SNZ own him, yeah. She became his girlfriend. And sometimes, they are being BF- GF in front of my eyes. sometimes I just being OK with it,. haha,.
Then there was a time,. they are being sweet? I guess.. haha.. But SNZ know I've been crushing on Fiel but she said , he's just sweet.
And I was like , "oh..tauk kmk"

So,.. WAIT! panjang nya cita aku tok. tersesat.. haha.

So, she have 4 blogs. I read the 2011's. It was all about Fiel. Hmm. :)
so, I was stalking with a lots of silly moment. duh. AND I STOPPED! I saw my name for at least 3 of her posts. And some of it was a good one.BUT THERE IS ALSO ABOUT THE BAD SIDE OF ME. Haha. she wrote. :|
I kinda broken hearted when reading that post of the bad side of me. Because, well, She was my bestfriend,.she kinda know me too.and I kinda know her too..The post is about me being mean to her ( there is a day she went to my class and accidently langgar me . I sent a letter to her). Well its kinda MY FAULT actually, kan? pahal la benda kecik ya pun aku nak carik pasal ngan nya........ IMMATURE!
So, sebelum balit skolah, I forgive her and met face to face. But kinda.... the post.. it was about how Fiel hate me. wow. he actually hate me before......
The end... if you know her,.. read it yourself laa.. malas la..

So, I went to highschool last year,. And there was SNZ. ( still NOT in the same class. thanks god )
So, I was willingly to accept her as my schoolmate Again. Although all this thime on 2011......
And I was happy for not to see Fiel in the school. He was schooling at SMK Lutong Miri while I am in the KTDTHB :) ..... But,.. till one day... I was in the class, the teacher ask us to copy the notes.. And then.... I stare at the window... BOOOMMM! I SAW FIEL WITH HIS SCHOOL UNIFORMS. He kinda looks a little bit taller, (after 4 months I didnt meet him)... AND THANKS GOD HE IS NOT IN MY CLASS!
In that time, I was thinking that SNZ should be happy if Fiel was there :)
They still friends,,, But SNZ have a new boyfriend instead of Fiel. I was not knowing ..they broke up.. O.O

And me, there,.. I don't care about Fiel anymore although I seen him everyday. Im hoping the best for his and my life. I just don't care..............................


Lkay JL :)



I'm inspired by you.