Well,. these disasters came this week,.
Tuesday (16.07.13)
In the lab, we are doing our experiment on Chapter 5: Water (form 2: science)..
So, Le fren was just adjusting a boiling tube, to its position in the beaker.. but then.... it broke...
* a pic from the internet XD *
So, we continued doing our experiment, using another boiling tube. So, le me and le other friend was just talking, while she hold a stopwatch and take the time for that experiment. When suddenly, the stopwatch slipped through her hand.. WHAY,, WHYY IT HAPPENED? ok fine,,
It cracked =,= and the cermin tercabut.
Ok,. so we continue AGAIN.. haha
This time, we are being careful with ourselves. and then we heard screaming *a shocked one* from the table, next to my group's table,.. her Beaker was almost fall off the table... hish.. pahal la bahaya gilak ohh??
Wednesday (17.7.2013) & Thursday (18.7.2013)
Nothing much.. mehh. But there was.., cruel 'FRIEND' who blame on her/his friend,. keep blaming many people. why? because.. I dont know. ask him/her la.. Im not sure whether its a SOLITARY or not.. really .. WHO THE HECK KEEP BLAME ON OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT SEEKING THE TRUTH?! This person should be shame on themselve. WHY? because their friend trusted them with their whole heart. but then, they easily crash their friend's trusts on them. person tok, nya tuduh yang kwn nya berkapel (illegal in our school to date) my fren here, sikda pun kapel nowadays. dah la dituduh kapel ngan form 4! adeh. macam la bena. pasya cikgu ya back up orang nok menuduh ya jak. (I dnt knw sapa yg menuduh ya actually).. but bena bah.. biak nok menuduh ya xda pun kenak tanyak cikgu, samaada benda ya bena atau sik. dahla cikgu ya pun satu. kedak pilih kasih la mun camya. Ya Allah... :\
hrp la ada penyelesaian terang2 dpn mata mekorng smua supaya mekorang tauk siapa yang betol and siapa yang salah.. Malu la mun pande2 jak polah rumours ya.. eeshh.. malu ehh..
Lkay, JL
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