Teenagers sometimes have a hard time,right? In any kind of problems, we can solve it in positive ways. Although we are teens, we can do it by ourselves. So, this week,.. I was with my problems myself. What can I do with it? The homeworks thingy, I can solve it la. How about problems with family and friends? School? So, I observe that many teenagers have problems only about homeworks, friends and mostly our feelings. I think we really need something like this blog thing so that we,the teenagers, could express out our feelings this way. I mean , most of us like to express feelings without we irratates anybody. I assume that anybody hates to be hated. HAIYAAA.. what did I talk about la. But, U know what I mean right?
So,I had a hard time thinking about my .. harshh.. This is hard.. I remembered that this is so damn private. cannot tell haha. sorry maydeees..
But you know,.. IWTGBTtm. THIS IS A DAMN HARD DECISION ON THIS YEAR.. this is so hard.. but I cant tell much,. I.. GBTtoTM.. HEESH. THIS IS HARD. HARD! LET ME CRY! OK fine. in positive way, we can solve it. BUT I STILL NEED A PEMBIMBING LAA.. cant do it by myself.. who should I tell..
Lkay, JL
I'm inspired by you.
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