hey you all!
So, yesterday morning, at recess time (10:40 like that la) the teachers lounge is full of students. That room contains for like,MANY STUDENTS AND TEACHERS. So, the room was really noisy. I heard one of the teacher said, 'ni bilik guru atau bilik students?'.. well that was funny for me :3
So today in the Dewan Perdana, one of the teacher gave a speech n he be like,
''Itu bilik guru,bukannya pasar ikan. setakat nak hantar kertas sekeping,tak payah la berduyun-duyun 5 orang masuk ke sana...blaa..blaa.. pelajar dilarang untuk masuk ke bilik guru''..
and I be like,oh.. students are forbidden to go there. if the teachers ask me about the homework that they ask me to send there,I would like to blame on a sign that says 'PELAJAR DILARANG MASUK' at the door there. haha. but whatever,KOLEJ TUN DATU TUANKU HAJI BUJANG'S students are cool enough. Today,at reccess time, we be like, " we still wanna go there".. haha!
bilik guru ada air-cond bahh. kdg2 we rajin mok pegi there.
ok the end of forbidden story. tomorrow, students and teachers of kolej will go to the stadium stadium for sukan :3 kejohanan tahunan!!! go seman!!! I am from the rumah sukan PANGLIMA SEMAN!! I am proud to be a SEMAN'S ROAR! lol sjk bila aku digelar cmya? well,whatever :3
I AM A SUKARELAWAN UNTUK BAHAGIAN HADIAH! lol its scary n funny. takut berik salah pingat n hadiah mcm tadik.. cikgu husmaliesha kata mun slh gk bgk hadiah kt stadium,I WILL be FIRED! haha. :3
MOOD TODAY! *Lawson-Standing In The Dark*
Lkay, JL
I'm inspired by you.
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