Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Enjoy every moments : 2015

Selamat pagi!
31st of December. Tomorrow is 2015. 1st of January, 2015.
'Enjoy Every Moments', PART 2!!! 
Part yang pertama I posted, at 2nd of March 2013, do NOT check it out.

So, dalam 2014, macam2 benda dah jadi kan? Termasuklah kertas UPSR bocor, format baru untuk pelajar form 3, and Kbat surprise untuk Spm. hehe. Then, there was something about the flights. Floods too! Ada hikmah di sebalik semua yang happened. Sabar jak :')

But, like last year, I posted about my favourite moments in the year. This year, I enjoyed banyak benda. I am grateful to have some annoying yet funny friends who make me smile brightly everyday. 
It reminds me of the kejohanan sukan tahunan. At lunch time, we went to the Mall. escape kejap. ok , and in that time, I was nervous for nothing. sian kawan kamek hehe. sorry ye, kawan. so we went back to the stadium.
Moments lain la kan, well, Im turning 16 next year... but I loss no weight. please ! Susah. Oh, and confirm la next year reshuffle kelas.
oi, malas la cita panjang2. I miss my friends. like I said, they are my sunshine. hehe.

This NEW YEAR, I get another song. Dengar Bisikku by The Rain. awwww. lagu lamak, tapi I like that song so, please stay away if you dont like me. hihi.

Kadang aku berikir, dapatkah kita terus coba
mendayung perahu kita? menyatukan ingin kita :')
sedang selalu saja, khilaf yang kecil mengusik
bagai angin berhembus kencang, goyahkan kaki kita
*hitam yang megusik sakit sekali
genggam tanganku jangan bimbang :)
tak usahlah lagi dikenang
naif diri yang pernah datang
jadikan pelajaran Sayang
dengar bisikanku oh Dinda
coba lapangkan dada kita
terima aku apa adanya
jujur hati yang kita jaga
mengapa selalu saja, khilaf yang kecil mengusik
bagai ombak yang besar , Goyahkan kaki kita
bila gundahmu tak menghilang
hentikan dulu dayung kita
bila kau ingin lupakan aku
ku tak tahu apalah daya

Bye 2014. hello 2015 <3

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Less attractive ; it is a problem with crush.

You know that feeling of "I am simply less attractive" ?
That feeling you get when your friend, or cousin, is way more attractive than you in your crush's eyes.
I mean, what is the point I have to be there, with my crush, when he is flirting with my friends, or cousin, in front of my pair of bare eyes. But that is not all. What if you have this kind of friend, that always feels like, "he is not flirting, he just want to say Hi, I must keep the conversation with him, SO THAT HE DOESN'T THINK THAT I AM A JERK."
I guess, it is not wrong for her to keep the conversation with him. But , dear friend, you know I like him, so.. I could appreciate you if you stay a little far away from him. Yes, get away from him. And sometimes I should not blame my friends too. Sometimes, I must be my Crush fault too,right? Well, you better know you crush well before blaming others about you jealousy towards him and your friends. hehe. You must accept it yourself that your crush is actually a flirty type of person (please avoid this type of person to be your crush if you can't handle your jealousy). If you ever saw him talking with many girls... it is either they are friendly or they are flirting. Flirty boys with their flirty words!!!

How to avoid jealousy?
Well, I think it is better to keep yourself away from that kind of situation! But, identify the main problem of your jealousy. The main problem I stated up there was , when your crush flirts with your friend because you are simply less attractive or when your friends flirts with your crush. haha. So, as a 'simply less attractive' person. you need to be more confident. Who needs your flirty crush when you can have your own girly life? HEHE.
But, hey! You are young, hello? I want to remind you, HE IS YOUR CRUSH, NOT YOUR HUSBAND. So, simply let him go and move on with your life. How hard could it be??? But if it is hard to you, then my friend, I would say that you better have an occupied life than now. Hahah. I mean, Have fun! Make friends! Spend your weekends with fun activities, with your family and friends? Go, enjoy yourself.
Well, you better get this one. Unfortunately, while you spend your time with your family and friends, you saw a random boy with another girl... and that reminds you of your crush. That random girl is beautiful, cute, and everything about her is more than you. And with that.... you better stop comparing yourself to other people! It will just make thing worst!
Huhhh... You know, You must know that you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. 

Dalam kmk nulis semua tok.. kita perlu ingat juak, perasaan orang madah sikpat dihalang. Ingat, jangan sampai hilang batas pergaulan. Kawal perasaan ya. Iboh terlebih gilak. Ingat, nya bukan halal bagi kita. Daripada buang masa berharap ngan nya, bait kita polah benda berfaedah daripada merosak ati kedirik.hehe. tauk-tauk jak lah apa nok dipadah kmk tok... 
Tapi bena juak ohh, daripada kmk nulis blog pasal tok, bait kmk polah keja lain.
hehe lain jadi ending kmk tok. tapi sik apa la nak? Ingat smua ya. And sigek gik.. daripada torang carik calon gerek ya, carik calon laki terus, lepasya padah ngan mak bapak torang nok torang mok kawen. HAHAHAHHHA jangan marah kmk!! kmk madah jak

He is your crush, not your husband! Jangan main couple2 ye.


Friday, 7 November 2014

Bad day

I did not update this blogger for a long time due to my busy day at school, and I have less interest in writing my life stories at this blogger, because I have my beloved friends to share my problems and life stories.
But today? So, today I suddenly have interest in writing my stories in this blogger. You know why? Because I had a bad day and I don't want to bother my friends. It was my fault too, you know.
So today at school, my classmate made me angry. But I hold my anger just because I am a girl , and a girl must always be good and polite (eww). However, I am serious.

" Speak only when your words are better than silence ,"

EVERYONE (not only girls, like I said earlier) MUST REMEMBER THAT.
So I was sitting in class with my friends and suddenly that typical someone kicked my chair for few times until I get annoyed with that so I go BOOM. Then that another typical someone hina me after that. You tell me, how can that cant ruin my good moods? And another thing, I was period at that time, now you answer that. Other than that, I get this bad mood thing whenever I break some-people-whom-I-loved's heart.
Today, as a record, I broke two hearts of my beloved ones. Firstly it was because I plentei'ed too much to her and made her filled with embarrassment. In the end, at the end of day, my bestfriend just playing like she used to be. But I was not in the mood so I replied her jokes with RUDE words and it was also LOUD. I think I put myself and her in embarrassment. Great. Just Great, I was my fault. I hope she forgive me, I texts her many times but I dont know ... Would she forgive me..? I put her in a bad mood and I ended up crying in my car in front of my mum because I did that to her. I missed her, I am Sooooo sorry. I really love you, bestie,

Sunday, 4 May 2014



Hari ni kan Ahad. So, no school. Jadi today, my family ada sesi ambik gambar , untuk my cik (aunty) . This session is for her graduation day. Like seriously , cantik giler gown kawen kat studio bridal tu . cantik! bila aku masuk je tempat tu kan, mata aku stop dekat satu gown ni. warna kuning , dan ada campur sikit2 warna biru terang. aku cakap kat mak aku, " mak, cantik gown ni, nak pakaiiii nanti rupa macam princess" (aku cakap dalam bahasa sarawak) . and mak aku cakap, "haa nak pakai boleh tapi tutup jugak bhg yg terdedah tu. guna baju yg ada cap sekali tu" (dalam bahasa sarawak jugak) I was like "haa?" .. pastu aku cakap kat dia. "Mak, nanti bukan macam princess kalau pakai camtu. nanti rupa macam witch!" hahahah.
Ok, pastu, bila photographer dah sampai, we masuk la dalam studio gambar tu. pastu ada satu tempat ni, banyak coat , accessories and wigs. Bapak aku ambik coat warna hitam and try guna. gila kauuu. macam. emm.. macam.. emmm... macam presiden. HAHAHA. just kidding. Pastu ada la satu kot ni, warna putih, bapak aku pakai la kan pastu rupa dia macam orang yang nak pergi kawen. aishh. haha.
Ok the next part, ada satu tempat ni, background versi vintage. so, cantik la. dahla warna putih semua. and ada basikal lama warna putih, aku sempat bergambar kat situ. 
So. kan our family ni ramai kan, so, studio tadi tak muat la. jadi we go to my anjang's house. and kami bergambar kat situ. cina photographer tu funny jugak la haha. oh and ada part tu, dia cakap, boleh guna kasut tak? pastu anjang aku cakap, boleh, boleh,. hari ini je korang dibenarkan guna kasut dlm rumah anjang, hari lain takleh! hahahahahhahah.
ada satu time ni. aku menyendiri kat ruang tamu rumah anjang aku tu. aku baca novel, pastu bapak aku kata, jangan menyendiri. and I was annoyed with that.
Ok. lain cerita. jadi dekat facebook hari ni kan. aku terjumpa satu pic ni ada orang dari smk Agama yang upload. #tbh hati aku selalu berdebar tengok orang alim (i mean, yang muda2 tu. bukan yang dah kawen hahahaha) .. yang guna songkok n lengkap berbaju melayu semua tu.. semua pelajar tahfiz. semua lelaki muda yang berjubah, haha indah nya,.!! aku tak pernah rasa yang diaorang pelik. tapi aku hairan sebab certain orang akan rasa yang orang-orang macam ni pelik. tp... bagi aku.. orang camtu .. calon suami yang baik hahaha *melts*
Wei aku adaa la pilih sorang ni,,,..... crush aku,... harap la.... aduh. hmmm

Ok. assalamualaikum <3

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Apa ko mok


(21.03 - 27.03)
Weh minggu tok aku rasa lain gilak. Macam banyak drama and benda best and tak best yang happen. Kenapa? Satu, sebab aku gi Sabah ( keluar sarawak sekejap nak hirup udara sabah kejap, ok? )
Dua, kakak aku konvo 23.03.
Tiga, hahahahahhahahaha confessing time. whoooo cant tell, cause it is private :* but surely, this week was really a confessing week. Semua nya aku nak jujur jak ngan orang :* 
Ohhhhhh and ada gambar dalam phone aku aku aku aku.. orang pakistan hensem hahahahhahahahha ..
I love that pakistannn :') jangan hilang, k, ktk wahai ktk!


Saturday, 8 March 2014

Dont blame.


Good morning to the precious readers. In conjunction of an incident that happened today, I would like to share something in this update. So, hope you get something from here.

Today, a plane lost in a flight from KLIA to Beijing. That plane lost it coverage to the airlines. It was said the plane last coordinate was at Vietnam. Maybe it landed somewhere in Vietnam? We don't know. Only Allah knows all. Allah planned all perfectly. He planned this since we are in our mom's womb. I hope they are all save , ya Allah. It worries all of us. ya Allah, save them ya Allah. In Shaa Allah they all gonna be all right. I hate they way the media interviewed the family if the lost victims. They need space too. But like seriously, the media are sometimes messing around with people. I hope they'll be better next time. InshaaAllah. And another thing, I hate the way the internet spread they fake news about it. It gives people PRESSURE , don't you see? Ok so the blaming part. So. people keep BLAMING the pilot, the MAS airlines , or even the RACE and RELIGION. Check it by yourself, how can they even blame people if this all was written by God? We can only Redha . STOP BLAMING! IT HURTS ME AND OTHERS TOO.

This evening, my friend called me. I was acting normally. So, we started this conversation. but later, he suddenly ended this conversation by a cold bye. And it hurts me straight in the heart. I think it was MY FAULT because I annoyed him? Maybe? I dont know. But why was he sulking like a girl? Even I am not his kind. I don't sulk like that. Umm. I hope he doesn't be angry with me tomorrow. Oh no. I made a mistake or something? I don't know what to say!

And this one, I BLAME . I BLAME CELCOM! celcom hates me :'( I cant even send a text to people! if sent pun, it will take an hour or more! dammit.

I am sorry if this update is nonsense :\

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Another call?


guess what.
orang nok call aku marek ya call aku gik ritok..
ngegeh bah nya .
sik guna.
mok bulak aku gik.
aku tauk ya kau la, budak!
but he made me laugh like srsly, dammit 
tdk nya pdh
"org nok ya... org nok ya kimslm.. nya pdh SAG."
hahaha ngageh.
psya aku tetak.. 
aku pdh, "eeee spa kau tok"
"tekak la"
psya ku tekak la EHEMMM 
psya nya tetak psya nya pdh, ASSALAMUALAIKUM.
psya terus nya letak..
aku sik smpt gk mnhwb lol hahaha.
(waalaikumsalam , budak )
ok fine.
cali bah sora nya geram ku .. hahaa
sik pa.
lmk2 klk msti suara nya jd kdk2 abg andy hahahaha
ok tulah aku 
oi sik pa.
sora nya tek gik aku terbuai2 dengar.
hahaha enjoy ku mok tetak nengar kau ckp 
heee ada juak empuan tepikat ngn kau ,budak.
Nya geng aku jk la. 
iboh riso , sik ku suka nya.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Assalamualaikum! :)

The past three days, aku dapat terima 3 nombo misteri yang call aku.
Marek aku ada jawab.
tp bunyi empuan tetak2.
Jadi aku ingat daknya tok main2 la.
jadi aritok tek aku sempat jawab.
tapi suara lelaki.
kedak suara someone.....
Jadi aku tnyk nya sapa..
pasya nya main2..
"tekak la"
nya padah.
Pasya aku padah bye, terus letak tepon.
pasya nya call balit.
aku padah,
"apa? sapa kau apa ko mok?"
HAHAHA ok that sounds rude.
Pasya nya pdh, tekak la.
pasya aku padah, " k , bye."
dikira mcm ugutan suroh nya ckp bena hahaah..
Pasya nya pdh, 
" Aiee. tekak la. kmk kwn org nok salu ktk msj ya bah .. "
Sik guna..
Pasya aku tnyk2 gik..
Pasya aku pdh Bye.
Psya terus letak tepon..
HHAHAHHAHA baiklah, tuan putera ;)


Saturday, 1 March 2014

enjoy every moments

Assalamualaikum :)



Sobba alkhair?

there once a song told us, "I call it moment, You called it life"..  something like this la because I am not so sure. I am not an updated person with new songs and stuffs. So there. Did you pay attention to anything that is happen around you?
Did you realise your pet is growing happily?
Did you realise that you and your family are getting old?
Did you realise a new pimple or any suspicious things on your face?
Did you realise the leaves on the trees are wilting or growing healthy?
Did you realise the stars and moon at nights?
because they dont appear much these days..
SO,.THERE. did you realise anything? AND I DID REALISE SOMETHING. I realised that I am wasting my tine ti study. huh haha..
Take time to relax and enjoy moments in our life.
Balance the leisure in your life 
Enjoy the good and bad moments.
Well, take time to remeber you sweetest moments ,maybe? ;)
maybe it was a marriage proposal? 
maybe it was a graduation day?
maybe it was the first date with your dates?

One of my favourite moments was on 2014's new year.
On that night, my sister ask her to accompany her to McD because she wanted to meet her friends. Yes, I know it was late. But yeah,.. i dont know about them. so..
As I arrived at McDonald's, Tfq called me. he never called me before. So I was kinda nervous.. I stand out of the car and follow my sister's back. While she was hugging her friends outside the McD, there was me, ..answering the phone call. no one speaks.. But the I heard he played this song called Jadian by the Junas Monkey.
It was like the sweetest moments ever. I feel special. hee hee. The fireworks was just blasting ... and I stare while I listen to his song.
"Bintang tolong katakan.... bintang tolong bisikkan....."
and he texted me before he called me :
"ish jaik juak tempat ktk ya xda bintang dengan bulan"
and I said..
"Sikpa.. kenyang juak kmk nangga mercun pake ganti bintang dengan bulan"
It feels like I am day dreaming right now........

Ok how's yours???

Friday, 28 February 2014


Assalamualaikum :)

What is better than realising that Pbmr is just around the corner ? :)

Yesterday (28/02/14) was the last episode of Menjinak Ombak.
Omg! super awesome!
(it was more awesome when SOMEONE watched that show with me)
;) I force that someone to watch with me!!!!
And I guess it was fun watching the same channel from far lol.
(not from the same house)
Asyraf died in the end because that terrible Fatah killed him.
He thinks this world is about killing people?!
uhhhh ..
but nevermind...
They got their happy ending.

How about me?

Well.. yesterday..
Taufiq said he received a chocolate bar on his desk that morning.
And received a note:
"Hey? Hey? Hey? Good luck for your exam! Love you"
It broke my heart for like 10 minutes.
Lol actually I just realize that I got a soft side too lol.
So then, I asked,
"so.. how's the chocolate? do you keep it?"
and then he said:
"no I ate it with my friends. Rezeki jggn ditolak"
Cool huh?
I hope that girl is happy enough seeing Taufiq eat her gift.......
And it is hard since they are so so so far away apart from me.
Hahaha nevermind.
If Taufiq accept that girl,..
then, oh well.
I will ask him to delete my number,,,...
But Fakhrul and Taufiq's cousin say he is not the one who layan girls..
Well I can trust them all I guess..

Well YESTERDAY ( 280214),
Is the day where I make myself sad and unhappy.
Maybe it is a tanda that tells me to be BETTER in MARCH.
;) ;) ;)
The world around me is a big hint!

Assalamualaikum. I would like to continue my work as a 'housewife' .. hahaha

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Assalamualaikum wbt.
I will write a short update.
Kalau ada apa2 mistake, tolong tegur jugak :)
Sekadar nak share.....

Hari Jumaat?

Hari Jumaat ialah Penghulu Segala Hari.
Gelaran bahasa Arab nya pula,
" Saiyidul Ayyam ".

Antara peristiwa pada hari Jumaat?

Allah telah mencipta Nabi Adam A.S.
Nabi Adam juga telah diturunkan dari syurga menuju ke bumi pada hari Jumaat.
Nabi Adam juga telah wafat pada hari Jumaat.
Dan seperti mana yang kita ketahui, Qiyamat akan berlaku pada hari Jumaat.


Pada hari Jumaat juga kita digalakkan untuk membaca surah Al-Kahfi .
Antara kelebihan membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat ialah , kita dapat mengelakkan daripada fitnah Dajjal.
Dinyatakan juga oleh Rasulullah S.A.W. dalam hadisnya , yang bermaksud:

" Sesiapa yang hafal sepuluh ayat daripada ayat awal surah Al-Kahfi ,ia akan terpelihara dari godaan dajjal , dan dalam riwayat lain,siapa yang hafal sepuluh ayat yang terakhir daripadanya,..."

(Hadis Sahih Muslim)

Pada hari Jumaat, segala umat muslimin menjalankan perintah Allah iaitu solat Jumaat.

Allah SWT berfirman:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا نُودِيَ لِلصَّلَاةِ مِن يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ فَاسْعَوْا إِلَىٰ ذِكْرِ‌ اللَّـهِ وَذَرُ‌وا الْبَيْعَ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ‌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٩

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila diseru untuk menunaikan solat pada hari Jumaat, maka bersegeralah kamu kepada mengingat Allah dan tinggalkanlah jual beli; Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu Jika kamu mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenarnya).” (Surah Al-Jumaah 62: Ayat 9)
Ok surah ini baru shja kami belajar haritu.
Haaa ada kaitan dengan hari Jumaat .

hari Jumaat juga umat Islam digalakkan bersedekah .
Dalam satu hadis yang saya baca tadi....

Ibnu Qayyim berkata:
"sedekah pada hari itu lebih utama dengan sedekah pada enam hari lainnya seumpama sedekah di bulan Ramadhan dibanding kan dengan sedekah di bulan-bulan lainnya"

Subhanallah :)

Ucap kan Alhamdulillah...

Sampai di sini sahaja la saya nak share ngan korang pasal hari Jumaat..
kan dah cakap tadi, update pendek je..

Assalamualaikum Wbt.

Past is past.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

It's been a long time since I updated something in this blog.
I was kinda busy with my school , pbs's and stuff.
You know..
You had been a student before, right?
Then, yes.
You know my feelings.
But you dont know what it feels like to be the first batch for Pbs!
(PAUSE! If you are one of the Pbs victim, then yes, you may cry with me, kuyat )
Hahahaha ok I am so mean.
Kuyat = monkey
Ok don't be so harsh heeshhh !

Based on the title,
"past is past"
Do you remember Terry?
Terry WAS my crush in 2013.
I don't know why I crushed on him.
It's unbelievable !
He was not that special.
I made a wrong decision.
Ok, It may sounded serious but seriously,
I hate him, (no I don't)
I want to forget him, (well , BUT HE OFTEN APPEAR ON MY FACEBOOK TL)
I want to discard all of my memories on him.
Want to see one?

I stole his pen like he stole A DUST of my heart!
(ok sorry for the jiwang-ness)
Today, I shall throw this in the dustbin!
Ok just chilling around, bro.
Don't be so serious, dude.
So this pen, is one of his stuff that I always carry in my pencil case.
I don't know why I keep it...
But its destiny shall finally come!!!!!!!!
(in the dustbin)
So, there it is.
It will never come back.
The memories will stay in our mind..
but well..
atleast I tried to forget him..
by throwing this away...

OK, so today, I got exam.
It was for Malay and Sivik.
I hate the part in Malay exam where it tells us to write an essay to a pen pal friend from semenanjung Malaysia about the special things of my school.
So.. I don't know much what to tell about my school.
So, I think I put my lowest hope on the essay.
The full mark for the essay is 30 marks.
well I think I will only get below 15....

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Alhamdulillah it's Friday :)


I'm inspired by you.