Friday, 7 November 2014

Bad day

I did not update this blogger for a long time due to my busy day at school, and I have less interest in writing my life stories at this blogger, because I have my beloved friends to share my problems and life stories.
But today? So, today I suddenly have interest in writing my stories in this blogger. You know why? Because I had a bad day and I don't want to bother my friends. It was my fault too, you know.
So today at school, my classmate made me angry. But I hold my anger just because I am a girl , and a girl must always be good and polite (eww). However, I am serious.

" Speak only when your words are better than silence ,"

EVERYONE (not only girls, like I said earlier) MUST REMEMBER THAT.
So I was sitting in class with my friends and suddenly that typical someone kicked my chair for few times until I get annoyed with that so I go BOOM. Then that another typical someone hina me after that. You tell me, how can that cant ruin my good moods? And another thing, I was period at that time, now you answer that. Other than that, I get this bad mood thing whenever I break some-people-whom-I-loved's heart.
Today, as a record, I broke two hearts of my beloved ones. Firstly it was because I plentei'ed too much to her and made her filled with embarrassment. In the end, at the end of day, my bestfriend just playing like she used to be. But I was not in the mood so I replied her jokes with RUDE words and it was also LOUD. I think I put myself and her in embarrassment. Great. Just Great, I was my fault. I hope she forgive me, I texts her many times but I dont know ... Would she forgive me..? I put her in a bad mood and I ended up crying in my car in front of my mum because I did that to her. I missed her, I am Sooooo sorry. I really love you, bestie,



I'm inspired by you.