Assalamualaikum wbt.
It's been a long time since I updated something in this blog.
I was kinda busy with my school , pbs's and stuff.
You know..
You had been a student before, right?
Then, yes.
You know my feelings.
But you dont know what it feels like to be the first batch for Pbs!
(PAUSE! If you are one of the Pbs victim, then yes, you may cry with me, kuyat )
Hahahaha ok I am so mean.
Kuyat = monkey
Ok don't be so harsh heeshhh !
Based on the title,
"past is past"
Do you remember Terry?
Terry WAS my crush in 2013.
I don't know why I crushed on him.
It's unbelievable !
He was not that special.
I made a wrong decision.
Ok, It may sounded serious but seriously,
I hate him, (no I don't)
I want to forget him, (well , BUT HE OFTEN APPEAR ON MY FACEBOOK TL)
I want to discard all of my memories on him.
Want to see one?
I stole his pen like he stole A DUST of my heart!
(ok sorry for the jiwang-ness)
Today, I shall throw this in the dustbin!
Ok just chilling around, bro.
Don't be so serious, dude.
So this pen, is one of his stuff that I always carry in my pencil case.
I don't know why I keep it...
But its destiny shall finally come!!!!!!!!
(in the dustbin)
So, there it is.
It will never come back.
The memories will stay in our mind..
but well..
atleast I tried to forget him..
by throwing this away...
OK, so today, I got exam.
It was for Malay and Sivik.
I hate the part in Malay exam where it tells us to write an essay to a pen pal friend from semenanjung Malaysia about the special things of my school.
So.. I don't know much what to tell about my school.
So, I think I put my lowest hope on the essay.
The full mark for the essay is 30 marks.
well I think I will only get below 15....
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Alhamdulillah it's Friday :)
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