Well you see, I liked panda since last year. I dont know why. I think I kinda obsessed with it. Oo..:3
And since that, everything in my life is like a panda. I mean, I have panda notebook, panda phone accesories, panda themed phone, .. etc!
But Im still waiting for PANDA KEYCHAIN. or panda bag. or panda slippers, OMG I WANT ALL ABOUT PANDA! XD
Its embarrasing a little,. I think ramai orang know that I love panda. My family, friends,. And even Classmates. (rUfqingKdgME?)
sometimes I felt Ive been annoyed them with my obsession. haha. =,=
And the other day, I draw a logo , that I called 'PANDROID'.. :3
Its an ANDROID,. But I put panda Ears and Eye back. xD oww. I luvv that logo. :3
but kinda embarassing me bcoz the logo looks like childish. I cant be more artistic,. they say. Im not good in art. Im just good in drawing cartoons. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE! TT.TT
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