Hey. I was not in mood yesterday. But secara keseluruhan, rasa kedak sayang lalu wit hari nok bertarikh 11-04-13.. banyak BERCAKAP tanpa BERFIKIR and that was a really BIG shitty problem.
THAT PAGI, me terrrrrKATA '****,I love you" when exactly,I WILL NEVER LOVE that biak kecik ya. HAA
Yesterday banyak jumpa orang yang memang dikenali.. :')
Recess time, terjumpa seorang yang memang xda reason untuk dibenci.. And I dont really hate her... banyak kali jumpa nya bah.. hurts me inside but I am strong enough for not crying!
afternoon,,,... Me jumpa that girl banyak kali. n The evening, me found that MAN/BOY that I cannot explain why I need to hate/care much about him. damn. fuq. and this is not Romeo! SHIT! and nya tok banyak gilak kebetulan ngan aku! Nama nya tok AFTM.. Well, you see, My Koala,nama singkatan nya AF.. and that was my crush and then, My new crush now is TM,nama singkatan, that is the romeo. wat the fuq happen if you gabung kan nama cdak?? Yes, exactly. AF+TM= AFTM .. kan kah bodo ya?? and that girl yang me tell you tadik ya is his girl. his girl. his girl.. =,= WAt happened to my life if his lil bro still school there for like another 2 years? exactly. I will kadang2 jumpa his damn abang yang akn ambik nya g skolah!
and another thing. Y me susah gilak mok explain my heart's feelings? I mean, I can explain them in my heart but y not from my mouth?? :'( Too hard to explain about that aftm thingyy...
Bye :'(
Oh, And I will be in Kuching tmw! By car! BYEEEE <3
*when I was your man-Bruno Mars*
Lkay, JL
I'm inspired by you.
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