Today I spent my whole day at the beach. It was a sunny hot day. Well,I forgot to use sunblock. I hope my skin will NOT be hitam-hitam. Because everyone in my family LIKES to say that I am the dark skinned one in the family. Well,actually,they just too proud that they have soft radiant skin. And I'm not dark skinned at all!! Well,let them be. I don't care either. haha.
At the beach, I just sit and enjoying the breeze, at a fish shack. selling fish,hahah Well, it's fun sitting there. until,.. I saw this someone's car there. Well,I know that car. AA. so,I ask my friend through phone message whether its the KNOWN car number or the UNKNOWN. So,she said. Yeah. It's AA's car. So,.I was a little bit nervous there. Before I know whether that is the car or not,I snap a few pics of that car from a distance. Well , It is not very clear,. so, I deleted the pic. yeah. then kan., I saw the parents of AA. My,,.. And I was like,"ok,It's just AA's parents. and both turun mok pegi grocerring. Mesti la they dont see me took the pic tadik", And... I was relieve! But.. when the car limpas, Yepp. AA was in that car. My.. AA mesti dah tengok that I took that pic! I felt stupid!! But nevermind :|
Then,today's afternoon, me kan online,then,... My friend request accepted. Dammit,It's a great feeling X))
Then,today's afternoon, me kan online,then,... My friend request accepted. Dammit,It's a great feeling X))
well, I really appreciate people who accept my friend request. huawahahhahah! LOL! X) Whether it is a girl, boy,.. Old,Young,. It doesn't matters anyway :D
After a whole day at the beach,my eyes sakit because of that sinaran at the beach. I better get going now. It's Noon and tomorrow is my school day. I'll stay till 5 p.m. tomorrow. hermm. form 1 and form 2 Ujian about our behavior and about ourselves. I don't know. It's UBK's exam! IDK! IDC! hahaha
Gudnite! I had an awesome day :)
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