I was crazy because I saw a Human Being that we called 'MODEL XBERBAYAR' doing 'Its' job. i mean that IT juz posing at aras 1. depan toilet. it's crazyeh! I laugh hard like the moment when SEDU MATA was INVENTED. GOOD TIME!. dengar la lagu Carly Rae Jepsen with that Owl City..something..Whatever. so, ni jugak la tarikh bday someone. yang nak masok kumpulan PACKAGE tapi x jadi sebab aku xnak. plu interview nak masuk tu ngn aku ngn 'sorg tuu',tau?
PACKAGE. package was invented in 2012. the moment when this FRIENDS often kumpul 2gther,then,they make us laugh,.Then u can join in package. in progress,
"package 2nd generation".. Miss the First. but..LIFE MUST GO ON. PAST IS PAST,LIFE NEEDS FUTURE.
you know what,actually package does nothing. they dont make jokes. just look at their styles,attitude.. thats the thing!
We control macho bah.. sakit ati na juak. hahah. Im a Girl. pretending to be Macho likes boys. but next week,our theme is 'COOL'.. Next,"Prasan CUTE (BOYS)",..then,"ayu (girls)"..fun part..that AYU thingy..
Lkay, JL
PACKAGE. package was invented in 2012. the moment when this FRIENDS often kumpul 2gther,then,they make us laugh,.Then u can join in package. in progress,
"package 2nd generation".. Miss the First. but..LIFE MUST GO ON. PAST IS PAST,LIFE NEEDS FUTURE.
you know what,actually package does nothing. they dont make jokes. just look at their styles,attitude.. thats the thing!
We control macho bah.. sakit ati na juak. hahah. Im a Girl. pretending to be Macho likes boys. but next week,our theme is 'COOL'.. Next,"Prasan CUTE (BOYS)",..then,"ayu (girls)"..fun part..that AYU thingy..
Lkay, JL
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